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Chakras 101: A Comprehensive Beginner Guide to the Seven Chakras

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You have probably heard the word “chakras” and have little idea what it means. Maybe you’ve taken a yoga class or reiki session, or perhaps you think it is just some woo-woo, new-age stuff your crazy aunt is obsessed with. (I would be that aunt!)

I am here to tell you that they are ancient, modern, and have a hazy history. Written as far back as nearly 3000 years ago, in the 1970s, a rainbow of colors was attached, and all the different paths and systems within can make it seem overwhelming and hard to find the truth.

I have felt firsthand the benefits of working with your energy centers through meditation and chant. The system has evolved, making it more accessible and tangible to the modern mystic. Still, I also think knowing about myths and misunderstandings surrounding this subject is essential.

So, let’s begin…


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What are chakras?

spiritualism, awakening, meditation

As defined by the Oxford Dictionary:




  1. (in Indian thought) each of the centers of spiritual power in the human body is usually considered seven in number.

The word chakra is translated as “wheel or discus.” There are 114 chakras, but the seven chakras are the ones most concentrated on. They are thought to be subtle, swirling energy centers in and around the body, running along energy channels called nadis.

The seven main energy centers run from the perineum up the spine to just above the crown of the head. They have colors and represent different aspects of human awareness.

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What are the nadis?

Before we go any further, you should also understand the nadis since they are intertwined with the chakra system.

The body has 72,000 energy channels, but only three main ones are activated. They are Pingala nadiIda nadi, and Sushumna nadi. They run along the Sushumna nadi, with the other two nadi weaving in and out.

Sushumna nadi: center column running from the perineum to the crown.

Pingala nadi: ascending energy.

Ida nadi: descending energy.

In short, when they all work together harmoniously, enlightenment is achieved.

Why is balancing the seven chakras important?

stack of stones on brown sand

When our energy is balanced, we can heal, learn, and function better in the mundane world, as most of us may not have time to reach complete enlightenment.

There are many ways to cleanse and balance an overactive or underactive energy center. Try one or all of these to aid in healing anything that seems out of balance.

  • Chanting: use mantras or bija(seed) sounds connected to each chakra.
  •  Sound Healing: sound baths and solfeggio frequencies. Each chakra has its healing frequency.
  •  Crystals: Hold them, place them on the chakra location, or meditate with them.
  •  Visualization & Meditation: Meditate on the chakra’s associated color and location.
  •  Connect to the Elements: Connect to nature associated with a particular chakra.
  •  Affirmations: Positive affirmations can significantly impact our negative thought patterns.
  •  Yoga Poses: Use different postures to align with a specific chakra.

The mind is a powerful tool in this practice. Use it to heal, learn more about yourself, and have fun! These energy centers are a beautiful presentation of the flow of life.

Check out my other blog post for a free affirmation meditation here!

The Seven Main Chakras

1. Root (Muladhara) Chakra

root, chakra, energy

The root chakra is your center of safety, trust, and grounding. When balanced, you feel safe, secure, and connected.

  1. Function: survival & security
  2.  Location: perineum or base of the spine
  3.  Color: Red
  4.  Element: Earth
  5.  Seed Mantra: LAM
  6.  Frequency: 396Hz
  7.  Crystals: emerald, carnelian, & garnet
  8.  Affirmation: I am grounded.
  9.  Yoga Poses: bridge pose, tree pose, & chair pose
  10.  Nature: Walking meditation outside or gardening.

Signs of imbalance: Greed, fear, insecurity, and self-centeredness.

2. Sacral (Svadhisthana) Chakra

sacral, chakra, energy

The sacral chakra is your center of sensuality, creativity, and pleasure. When balanced, you feel confident, creative, and generous.

  1. Function: emotion & desire
  2.  Location: genitals or pubic bone area
  3.  Color: Orange
  4.  Element: Water
  5.  Seed Mantra: VAM
  6.  Frequency: 528Hz
  7.  Crystals: carnelian, moonstone, & aquamarine
  8.  Affirmation: I feel sensual.
  9.  Yoga Poses: Cow Pose, Boat Pose, & Bow Pose
  10.  Nature: Have a bonfire.

Signs of imbalance: Addiction, low self-esteem, jealousy, and guilt.

3. Solar Plexus (Manipura) Chakra

solar, chakra, chi

The solar plexus chakra is your power, self-control, and purpose center. When balanced, you feel a sense of purpose and self-motivation.

  1. Function: power & control
  2.  Location: navel center
  3.  Color: Yellow
  4.  Element: Fire
  5.  Seed Mantra: RAM
  6.  Frequency: 528Hz
  7.  Crystals: sapphire, citrine, & tiger’s eye
  8.  Affirmation: I do great things.
  9.  Yoga Poses: Cobra Pose, Eye of the Needle Pose, & Standing Forward Fold
  10.  Nature: Swim or be near an ocean or lake

Signs of imbalance: Fatigue, anxiety, depression, & weak willpower.

4. Heart (Anahata) Chakra

heart, chakra, energy

The heart chakra is your center of healing, compassion, and forgiveness. When balanced, you feel harmonious with all life.

  1. Function: compassion & healing
  2.  Location: center of the chest
  3.  Color: Green or pink
  4.  Element: Air
  5.  Seed Mantra: YAM
  6.  Frequency: 639Hz
  7.  Crystals: jade, rose quartz, & peridot
  8.  Affirmation: I love life.
  9.  Yoga Poses: Fish Pose, Camel Pose, & Thread the Needle Pose
  10.  Nature: Take a walk on a windy day.

Signs of imbalance: Loneliness, lack of self-love, & emotional instability.

5. Throat (Vishuddha) Chakra

throat, chakra, chi

The throat chakra is your center of communication, truth, and expression. When balanced, you listen well and speak freely.

  1. Function: speech & self-expression
  2.  Location: throat center
  3.  Color: Blue
  4.  Element: Ether/Space
  5.  Seed Mantra: HAM
  6.  Frequency: 741Hz
  7.  Crystals: quartz, turquoise, & aquamarine
  8.  Affirmation: I speak my truth.
  9.  Yoga Poses: Cat/Cow Pose, Upward Facing Dog, Shoulder Stand
  10.  Nature: Cloud and stargazing.

Signs of imbalance: Creative blocks, suppression, & dishonesty.

6. Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra

brow, chakra, energy

The third eye chakra is your center of intuition, awareness, and imagination. When balanced, you feel insightful and have a strong instinct.

  1. Function: Intuition & perception
  2.  Location: pineal gland, between the brows
  3.  Color: Indigo
  4.  Element: Light
  5.  Seed Mantra: OM
  6.  Frequency: 852Hz
  7.  Crystals: lapis lazuli, sapphire, & sodalite
  8.  Affirmation: I see all.
  9.  Yoga Poses: Child’s Pose, Intense Side Stretch Pose, Legs-up-the-wall pose
  10.  Nature: Forest Bathing.

Signs of imbalance: Lack of focus, close-mindedness, & unimaginative.

7. Crown (Sahasrara) Chakra

crown, chakra, energy

The crown chakra is your center of spirit, divine wisdom, and the higher self. When balanced, you feel ecstasy and enlightenment.

  1. Function: individual & universal consciousness
  2.  Location: above the crown of the head
  3.  Color: violet, white, or colorless
  4.  Element: Thought
  5.  Seed Mantra: SO-HUM or silence
  6.  Frequency: 216Hz
  7.  Crystals: celestite, sapphire, & charoite
  8.  Affirmation: I understand.
  9.  Yoga Poses: Headstand, savasana, half lotus pose
  10.  Nature: Meditate or reflect within nature.

Signs of imbalance: Confusion, attachment, & disillusionment.

Tips for working with your energy

Close-Up Shot of a Person Holding Chakra

Don’t be overwhelmed by information. Take what you need and leave the rest. You do not need to be an expert. Do what works for you and makes you happy. Your mind, body, and breath are powerful tools.

Above all, remember these three:

  1. Postures. The more aligned and connected to yourself, the better you can breathe.
  2.  Breath. The better you breathe, the more energy can flow.
  3.  Meditate. Concentrate on harnessing the power of visualization.

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely not! Chakras are very beginner-friendly. Healing or unblocking them can be done through many different things you might already do daily. Many excellent books help guide you or visit your local reiki or yoga teacher if you have more questions.

  1. Root: Grounding & Security
  2.  Sacral: Emotion & Creativity
  3.  Solar Plexus: Power & Control
  4.  Heart: Compassion & Healing
  5.  Throat: Speech & Expression
  6.  Third Eye: Intuition & Imagination
  7.  Crown: Non-Attachment & Enlightenment

Everything has energy. The chakras are a tangible and accessible way to work this energy. The system gives life and symbolism to help us understand the subtle energy the ancients have known for millennia.

The last thing you need to know about chakras

a group of stones sitting on top of a piece of paper

These energy centers inside us are a powerful force to work with and should not be taken lightly the deeper you delve. Releasing and opening the seven chakras may not always have pleasant effects but may be necessary to remove.
Take care and be informed when working with your energy. Be gentle and listen to your body. You still have to live life in the mundane world. So seek guidance and advice from trusted sources, and remember you know what’s best for you.

Stay cozy and balance those chakras!

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